The web service is based on REST, which is short for Representational State Transfer. REST is a method of performing a set of basic operations like creating, reading, updating, or deleting information using simple HTTP calls.
In order to use API, users first request a key for their account.
The key is used to identify the client, security for that user is propagated to the web service, limiting the data they have access to.
כלים למתכנתים API
Develop . Testing . Upload . Connecting us
(set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications)
Meckano provide you a great api that making it easier to develop programing and conecting easier to our operating environment.
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Want to read more about meckano - start here
Meckano has developed an Application Programming Interface (API) that functions as a web service, enabling customers and third-party developers.
Exported data can be used in resource planning systems. By analyzing hours, absence, reports, locations, and other factors, managers can see analytics on line.